My wife practically forced me to press play. I watched most of it through a raised glass, distorting all of the images.
I’m not too comfortable being on camera, unless I think I’m funny. And suicide isn’t funny.
In any case, my interview for KSL’s special on suicide is now online. You can watch it by clicking here.
I’ve had a lot of incredible feedback. My life is filled with wonderful, supportive family and friends. I was particularly touched to see dozens of my friends share the link to my story on Facebook.
After reading all of the comments (some of them from people who are currently struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts), I’ve decided to write a faith-based book on recovery from depression and suicide. It’s time to shine the light on the darkness.
On a humorous note, probably my favorite comment came from Bob Pettit, the husband of a life-long friend (and Forward Walking contributor) Janae. Here’s what Bob wrote:

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