0 thoughts on “Seth and Kim Wedding – Family Photo”
Some thoughts were God and Christ don’t make a healthy marriage….are you serious? Always keep God in the center of your marriage….He’s to big to be boxed in. God has to be the head, then hubby,wife, children and family. WWJD! Before you do anything in life always pray first. It’s the strongest weapon we have and we get lazy and don’t use it. Life is nothing but choices……make the right choice and your road with be made plain. Make the wrong choice and it could take years to get back on the right track. I agree with Maggie your wedding do seem to be one of happiness, love and simply put beautiful.
Um excuse me but no. Don’t put assumptions on everyone that God should be apart of their lives. I’m happily god free and do NOT want God in my life in any way shape or form regardless if you think the imaginary man in the sky is there or not, I don’t have him in my life, I don’t want him in my life, because I don’t think he exists in my life to begin with and that will continue to my future husband, and my future children. So you can have an extremely happy and fulfilling life without God. I would rather take care of my family than sit on my butt and pray thinking something will happen without actually getting up getting out and doing something about it. So please, keep your God to yourself. If he’s important to you than fine, but for some people he’s not even on the list and that does not make them a bad person, less of a person, or less of a good family.
Some things are true whether you believe in them or not. When we die, that’s when all will come to light. Sadly for some it will be too late. You are not hurting anyone but yourself. God is in control of everything, He created everything.
I agree that a family doesn’t need God if they choose not to believe in God, but you don’t understand the true order of prayer. Those who pray don’t simply sit around, and wait for something to happen. If they are doing it right, they’re asking for help, and guidance, and then getting off their butt, and working as hard as any person who doesn’t believe in a God.
Beautiful family Seth! Thank you for your thoughts!
Kitty: We all have a right to believe whatever we want. However, we are just plain ignorant when we say He does not exist. The greatest “Thinkers” on this planet believed in the existence of God – Einstein & Benjamin Franklin, to name 2 extremely intelligent & impactful people of our world. Do you believe Jesus Christ ever lived? There is more evidence of His existence than for President Abraham Lincoln (who also believed in Jehovah/God)….were you aware of this fact?? Don’t be afraid to educate yourself. It is often times easier to ridicule (hate) & hold prejudice than to invest energy in learning about people/history.
I was a self-sufficient, multi-miilionaire, “non-believer” until I turned 31…when I crashed my Dodge Viper (#293), on August 28, 1993, flying off I-95 into the woods & over a 55′ wide canal at 125 mph, ripping, smashing & snapping off dozens of trees along the way…I should have died. I went from 125mph to stopped, in 177 feet. FYI – that all took a total of 0.9654 seconds (do the math) from the time I lost control, left the road, & crashed. I saw my whole life flash before me in slow motion & I had time to “pray to God to save me.” I had time to “make a deal” with Him. I shouted to him (inside my head) “I’m too young to die!! I haven’t gotten married, yet! I haven’t had any kids, yet! I haven’t told my parents I LOVE them, yet (we just wrote in our Birthday cards, “Love, Kirk” at the end, but never actually said those words to each other in our family)!! I even had time to tell Him IF He spared my life, I would NEVER buy another sports car again, as long as I lived!! To tell you the details of all that happened, would take too much time, here, but nobody who saw the accident & rushed into the woods to see/or help me, could believe I was alive, had not been decapitated, had my back broken, etc. The car had been ripped in half & I had the hot exhaust pipe smashed up against my left leg (as my driver’s side took 90% of all the initial forces/collisions with trees before going airborne [sideways…my door leading] 55 feet across a canal only to ‘meet’ 2ea, 8 inch diameter trees, 2″ behind my HEAD!!). Everything behind my seat was “separated” from the car, rear axel & all. I was awake & alive, and I lived to tell this story.
My story is NOTHING compared to a well known Neurosurgeon who wrote a book, “Proof of Heaven,” which is NOT at all or in any way, shape, or form a “religious” book. He get’s into NDE’s (Near Death Experiences of people who have died & been brought back to life). Being a neurosurgeon & having greater understanding of how our brains work, he “knew” what these people were “actually” experiencing when they described their NDE’s, and could “scientifically explain” what they had gone through…hence, he, similar to you, did not believe their really was a God! Unlike you, he called himself a Catholic & “went along” with going to church at Christmas & Easter. Still, like many of his colleagues in the medical community, he did NOT believe there was a real “Living, tangible God.”
He was dead & on life support in a coma for more than a week…no brain waves, nothing…”Gone.”
He recounts leaving his body & where he went, who he met, traveling through the earth as he pictured a worm might experience the world…in heavy, dark, thick sludge, with incredibly detailed revelations to him. Then traveling the other direction, & back again…eye opening stuff!
Check out his book, “Proof of Heaven.” You can find a copy on amazon for $7 or less.
Kitty..I wanted to comment on the last part of the last sentence..you’re right, not having God on your list does not make you a bad person., less of a person , or less of a good family..you are an unsaved person and if you family does not believe in God the family is unsaved. What does that mean? Heaven and Hell are not myths or fairy stories. Heaven is a place for prepared people and hell is for unprepared.
None of us can be GOOD enough to get to heaven! It is ALL by GRACE…an unearned gift, a gift that if unopened can never be received. Jesus is that gift. By dieing on the cross for my sins and everyone’s sins he has made the way for me and all who believe in him to go to heaven. I asked him to come into my heart and promised to live my life for him. By doing that his love flows from me. Don’t get me wrong I still mess up but you see when he died for my sins, those I had committed and will commit, there became a way for me to not be good enough but to become an adopted child of God. I know it sounds very strange. That is where faith comes in. Jesus is the truth and only that truth can set a person free.
God saves and fills empty souls with hope. I feel anger in your words and God works thru others to do his good work and I totally believe one cannot be happy and fulfilled without him. Witnessing his love thru others has validated his love to me and i have seen his work thru non believers such as yourself…….God Bless and may his love shine on you.
You think your life is good now.. Ever wonder how great it would it be with God? Ever imagine? I hope you soften your heart to him. I just started going to church and following God and have such a deeper peace then before! Find a good church! It’s worth it.
Hi Kitty,
As he mentioned in his blog – marriage isn’t about HIM. Therefore YOU not wanting God In YOUR life is not about YOU. God is us rather we accept him or not. Truth hurts and I think you just have gotten a taste of it that’s why you are so defensive about it! You can’t truly believe that you life will be complete without God. You can’t. If you do you are lying to yourself. To believe that would make you an atheist. Hasn’t it be proven over and over and over again even in science that there is a God. It doesn’t matter what spin you put to life – Life without God is not whole. You are suppose to be selfless and willing to give yourself to others as Jesus did for us. I hope that sometime in your life you will definitely take a look in the mirror and understand there is no YOU without HIM.
God bless you Kitty – I’ll be praying for you. Even though I don’t know, never met you.
Good day!
I wanted to also add that even OUR history states there was a God. CLEARLY (B.C. (Before Christ / A.D. After Death). You have to open your eyes sweety.
Kitty – I have to agree wholeheartedly with you. People who believe in God are not the only people with opinions and beliefs. Each to their own, live, love and let life be amazing no matter what you believe 🙂
Some thoughts were God and Christ don’t make a healthy marriage….are you serious? Always keep God in the center of your marriage….He’s to big to be boxed in. God has to be the head, then hubby,wife, children and family. WWJD! Before you do anything in life always pray first. It’s the strongest weapon we have and we get lazy and don’t use it. Life is nothing but choices……make the right choice and your road with be made plain. Make the wrong choice and it could take years to get back on the right track. I agree with Maggie your wedding do seem to be one of happiness, love and simply put beautiful.
Um excuse me but no. Don’t put assumptions on everyone that God should be apart of their lives. I’m happily god free and do NOT want God in my life in any way shape or form regardless if you think the imaginary man in the sky is there or not, I don’t have him in my life, I don’t want him in my life, because I don’t think he exists in my life to begin with and that will continue to my future husband, and my future children. So you can have an extremely happy and fulfilling life without God. I would rather take care of my family than sit on my butt and pray thinking something will happen without actually getting up getting out and doing something about it. So please, keep your God to yourself. If he’s important to you than fine, but for some people he’s not even on the list and that does not make them a bad person, less of a person, or less of a good family.
Some things are true whether you believe in them or not. When we die, that’s when all will come to light. Sadly for some it will be too late. You are not hurting anyone but yourself. God is in control of everything, He created everything.
I agree that a family doesn’t need God if they choose not to believe in God, but you don’t understand the true order of prayer. Those who pray don’t simply sit around, and wait for something to happen. If they are doing it right, they’re asking for help, and guidance, and then getting off their butt, and working as hard as any person who doesn’t believe in a God.
Beautiful family Seth! Thank you for your thoughts!
Kitty: We all have a right to believe whatever we want. However, we are just plain ignorant when we say He does not exist. The greatest “Thinkers” on this planet believed in the existence of God – Einstein & Benjamin Franklin, to name 2 extremely intelligent & impactful people of our world. Do you believe Jesus Christ ever lived? There is more evidence of His existence than for President Abraham Lincoln (who also believed in Jehovah/God)….were you aware of this fact?? Don’t be afraid to educate yourself. It is often times easier to ridicule (hate) & hold prejudice than to invest energy in learning about people/history.
I was a self-sufficient, multi-miilionaire, “non-believer” until I turned 31…when I crashed my Dodge Viper (#293), on August 28, 1993, flying off I-95 into the woods & over a 55′ wide canal at 125 mph, ripping, smashing & snapping off dozens of trees along the way…I should have died. I went from 125mph to stopped, in 177 feet. FYI – that all took a total of 0.9654 seconds (do the math) from the time I lost control, left the road, & crashed. I saw my whole life flash before me in slow motion & I had time to “pray to God to save me.” I had time to “make a deal” with Him. I shouted to him (inside my head) “I’m too young to die!! I haven’t gotten married, yet! I haven’t had any kids, yet! I haven’t told my parents I LOVE them, yet (we just wrote in our Birthday cards, “Love, Kirk” at the end, but never actually said those words to each other in our family)!! I even had time to tell Him IF He spared my life, I would NEVER buy another sports car again, as long as I lived!! To tell you the details of all that happened, would take too much time, here, but nobody who saw the accident & rushed into the woods to see/or help me, could believe I was alive, had not been decapitated, had my back broken, etc. The car had been ripped in half & I had the hot exhaust pipe smashed up against my left leg (as my driver’s side took 90% of all the initial forces/collisions with trees before going airborne [sideways…my door leading] 55 feet across a canal only to ‘meet’ 2ea, 8 inch diameter trees, 2″ behind my HEAD!!). Everything behind my seat was “separated” from the car, rear axel & all. I was awake & alive, and I lived to tell this story.
My story is NOTHING compared to a well known Neurosurgeon who wrote a book, “Proof of Heaven,” which is NOT at all or in any way, shape, or form a “religious” book. He get’s into NDE’s (Near Death Experiences of people who have died & been brought back to life). Being a neurosurgeon & having greater understanding of how our brains work, he “knew” what these people were “actually” experiencing when they described their NDE’s, and could “scientifically explain” what they had gone through…hence, he, similar to you, did not believe their really was a God! Unlike you, he called himself a Catholic & “went along” with going to church at Christmas & Easter. Still, like many of his colleagues in the medical community, he did NOT believe there was a real “Living, tangible God.”
He was dead & on life support in a coma for more than a week…no brain waves, nothing…”Gone.”
He recounts leaving his body & where he went, who he met, traveling through the earth as he pictured a worm might experience the world…in heavy, dark, thick sludge, with incredibly detailed revelations to him. Then traveling the other direction, & back again…eye opening stuff!
Check out his book, “Proof of Heaven.” You can find a copy on amazon for $7 or less.
Kitty..I wanted to comment on the last part of the last sentence..you’re right, not having God on your list does not make you a bad person., less of a person , or less of a good family..you are an unsaved person and if you family does not believe in God the family is unsaved. What does that mean? Heaven and Hell are not myths or fairy stories. Heaven is a place for prepared people and hell is for unprepared.
None of us can be GOOD enough to get to heaven! It is ALL by GRACE…an unearned gift, a gift that if unopened can never be received. Jesus is that gift. By dieing on the cross for my sins and everyone’s sins he has made the way for me and all who believe in him to go to heaven. I asked him to come into my heart and promised to live my life for him. By doing that his love flows from me. Don’t get me wrong I still mess up but you see when he died for my sins, those I had committed and will commit, there became a way for me to not be good enough but to become an adopted child of God. I know it sounds very strange. That is where faith comes in. Jesus is the truth and only that truth can set a person free.
God saves and fills empty souls with hope. I feel anger in your words and God works thru others to do his good work and I totally believe one cannot be happy and fulfilled without him. Witnessing his love thru others has validated his love to me and i have seen his work thru non believers such as yourself…….God Bless and may his love shine on you.
You think your life is good now.. Ever wonder how great it would it be with God? Ever imagine? I hope you soften your heart to him. I just started going to church and following God and have such a deeper peace then before! Find a good church! It’s worth it.
Hi Kitty,
As he mentioned in his blog – marriage isn’t about HIM. Therefore YOU not wanting God In YOUR life is not about YOU. God is us rather we accept him or not. Truth hurts and I think you just have gotten a taste of it that’s why you are so defensive about it! You can’t truly believe that you life will be complete without God. You can’t. If you do you are lying to yourself. To believe that would make you an atheist. Hasn’t it be proven over and over and over again even in science that there is a God. It doesn’t matter what spin you put to life – Life without God is not whole. You are suppose to be selfless and willing to give yourself to others as Jesus did for us. I hope that sometime in your life you will definitely take a look in the mirror and understand there is no YOU without HIM.
God bless you Kitty – I’ll be praying for you. Even though I don’t know, never met you.
Good day!
I wanted to also add that even OUR history states there was a God. CLEARLY (B.C. (Before Christ / A.D. After Death). You have to open your eyes sweety.
Kitty – I have to agree wholeheartedly with you. People who believe in God are not the only people with opinions and beliefs. Each to their own, live, love and let life be amazing no matter what you believe 🙂