Did you know that depression is like a cold? And, like a cold, depression is treatable. In fact, of all the mental illnesses, depression is the most treatable. In this interview, Taryn Aiken Hiatt, a Utah Board Member of AFSP, compares depression to a cold and offers simple techniques for treating it. Learn more about…
Author: Seth Adam Smith
Life Is About the Yellow Brick Road
In this video, speaker and author, Ganel-Lyn Condie, compares life to the Yellow Brick Road and Emerald City of OZ. Life is more about the journey (or the Yellow Brick Road) than our destinations (or OZ). Read more from author, Ganel-Lyn Condie. Transcript of Life Is About the Yellow Brick Road: I love the movie…
What Causes Depression? Is Depression Genetic?
According to Dr. Stephen Illardi, nearly one in four Americans—over 70 million people—will struggle with major depression in their lifetime—and those numbers are on the rise. But why? What Causes Depression? In the video below, Carrie Wrigley, LCSW, a licensed therapist, shares profound insight on possible causes of depression. Transcript of What Causes Depression? We…
Would Everyone Be Happier Without Me?
Some time ago, I did keyword research for a project on suicide prevention. One of the things that shocked me the most was how often people search for terms relating to suicide. Phrases like: “Would Everyone Be Happier Without Me?” or “I Feel Suicidal,” and even “How to Commit Suicide,” receive between one thousand and…
Starstuff Pondering Stars
Even in the midst of terrible disasters, we can point to the smoke and wreckage and see hope—and in so doing “touch the face of God.”
The Beauty of Your Brokenness | Kintsugi
Strangely enough, the most beautiful things in our lives spring from the broken things within ourselves. Don’t get me wrong, a prolonged feeling of brokenness can be unhealthy and damaging—but periodic feelings of brokenness are actually quite necessary for overall growth. We become stronger people when we are forced to reevaluate and rebuild our lives. J.K. Rowling once…
Hope Changes Everything
My new novel opens with what I can only describe as a dark, gloomy, and near-hopeless situation. It begins with a newborn baby boy being abandoned in a cemetery—left to die on a cold, October night. But he doesn’t die, and I’ll tell you why.
When A Loved One Commits Suicide
When Ganel-Lyn learned about her sister’s suicide, she said it felt “like a bowling ball smashed into my heart, then fell with a thud to my stomach.” She says that the grief caused by suicide is “a different kind of grief,” one that lingers, tears at the heart, and creates questions that lead to a very dark place.
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