A few years ago, I was privileged enough to help composer Shawna Edwards create this video for her song “Do You Have Room?” I am positive that this song will soon become a Christmas classic, sung in churches and concerts for many years to come. Lyrics included below the video. If you would like to…
It's Official: My Book Will Be Published!!!
I’ve dreamed about this day since I was ten. And now, after several weeks of discussion and refinement, I was just given the green light: Berrett-Koehler Publishers has formally agreed to publish my book sometime in the Fall of 2014! Apart from telling you that the book will be non-fiction, I’d really like to keep…
The Day I Discovered My Father Was A Soviet
It was February 2008, and I was living in Moscow with a Russian host family. It was the evening of Election Day–a day when Russians voted for their new president, President Medvedev. The occasion gave me the opportunity to talk to my Russian host dad about a topic I had avoided: communism and politics in Russia….
My Wife is a LITERAL Work of Art
My good friend (and talented artist), Howard Lyon, recently finished a beautiful, new painting. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that he had painted a portrait of my wife! Some time ago, Kim and I had worked with Howard on another project. He used a photograph from the shoot to create this angelic image of…
Il matrimonio non è per te…
Sono sposato da appena un anno e mezzo e recentemente sono arrivato alla conclusione che il matrimonio non è per me. Prima di trarre qualsiasi conclusione, continuate a leggere… Ho incontrato mia moglie alle scuole superiori, quando avevano appena quindici anni. Eravamo stati amici per dieci anni finché… finché abbiamo deciso che non volevamo essere…
Ամուսնությունը քեզ համար չի
Ընդամենը մեկ ու կես տարի է, ինչ ամուսնացած եմ, բայց եկել եմ այն եզրակացության, որ ամուսնությունն ինձ համար չի: Մինչ կհասցնեք ենթադրություններ անել, շարունակե՛ք կարդալ: Ես իմ կնոջը հանդիպել եմ բարձր դասարաններում սովորելիս, երբ երկուսս էլ 15 տարեկան էինք: Մենք արդեն 10 տարվա ընկերներ էինք, երբ որոշեցինք… որոշեցինք, որ էլ չենք ուզում ուղղակի ընկերներ լինել:…
Finding Happiness in Mordor
“Hey Seth! How are things in sunny California?” asked my friend on the phone. “Sunny California? We live in Mordor,” I answered, glumly looking out the window at a seemingly endless curtain of fog. For the fourth day in a row, the fog was hovering around our apartment in Daly City, a neighbor of San…
How My Brother Saved Me From Drowning and Suicide
I’m the youngest of six kids. I have two brothers: the oldest is David and the other is Sean. Sean and I didn’t get along when we were younger. Don’t get me wrong, it was nothing serious. More of a personality difference. I liked Star Trek, he liked sports. I wanted to watch cartoons, he…
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