Wow! Today is the day that my book, Your Life Isn’t For You, is officially published. It’s a wonderful, absolutely terrifying feeling!! Here’s the description of my book from the publisher: In this book, Seth Adam Smith expands on the philosophy behind his extraordinarily popular blog post “Marriage Isn’t for You”—which received over 30 million…
The Hidden Message of Red Square in Moscow…
In June, I had the amazing opportunity to revisit Moscow, Russia—one of the most beautiful and wonderful places on earth. As I stood on the cobblestones of Moscow’s famous Red Square (home of St. Basil’s Cathedral), I couldn’t help but think about the true meaning of the term “Red Square.” The following passage comes from my…
The Legend of the Northern Lights
“Look to the light and swim to the top of the Great Mountain. There you will find your home. There you will swim in the eternal river of the sky.” I worked on this legend (and video) for a very long time. I included it in my book, Your Life Isn’t For You, with the sincere…
20 Life-Changing Books!
If you want to change your body, change what you eat and how you exercise. If you want to change your outlook on life, change what you read and put it into practice. Listed below are twenty life-changing books. Unless you are determined to be miserable (which, strangely enough, some people are) these books will change your…
Is Suicide Selfish?
In 2006, I nearly succeeded in taking my life. Six months later, I received a letter from a close friend. I half-expected it to be a letter of comfort. It was not. It was cutting. Of the many things which were written, I will only share two sentences: “I can’t believe you tried to take your…
Why the Suicide of Robin Williams Matters
Actor/comedian Robin Williams just committed suicide. Truthfully, I’m stunned, shocked, and devastated. I had heard that he struggled with depression, and had always looked to him as an example—someone to help me move forward as I battle my own depression. His humor brought happiness and hope to so many people. And now… I don’t know. Part…
Why Ebola WON’T Make Me Sick
There’s been a lot of talk about the deadly Ebola virus that is currently ravaging West Africa. Social media is on fire, filled with millions of comments and concerns that the disease will spread to other parts of the world. I, for the most part, am concerned…but undeterred. I refuse to make myself sick over Ebola or any other “impending doom.” I…
I’m Grateful For Paper Cuts
Some time ago, I was asked by Nate Bagley (of to participate in a Gratitude Challenge. As part of this challenge, I was asked to share a personal experience where gratitude had an impact on me and to share how I practice gratitude in my life. It may sound strange to you but I’m grateful for paper cuts….
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