For over a year, I’ve had the tremendous honor of working directly with sculptor Angela Johnson in promoting her work. After sculpting for over a decade, Angela is now working on an ambitious and miraculous project to create larger-than-life-size depictions of the Savior’s miracles. These statues will later be installed in the gardens at Thanksgiving Point in Utah later next year.
I had the opportunity to visit Angela during lunch today. She recently finished her statue of Christ walking on the water and is currently working on one of Him carrying the cross.
After a beautiful conversation about God’s orchestration and sculpting of our own lives, she told me, “I should hang a sign on the outside of my door that reads: ‘Spiritually prepare yourself for deep things when you enter my studio.'”
It’s true. Every time I go to Angela Johnson’s studio, her sculptural depictions of the Savior and our very spiritual conversations always make me deeply reflective.
With that in mind, I’d like to bring parts of her studio to you. Before you look at these images (and maybe watch a video or two) I ask you to “spiritually prepare yourself for deep things.” Contemplate the healing power of Jesus Christ and consider ways in which you can reach out to Him in faith.
If you’d like to learn more about Angela Johnson’s project, please visit the I Am The Light of the World Garden website.
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