Years ago, I commissioned an artist (Liz Pulido) to create an illustration of a remarkable, true story. This story has not only touched my heart—but it’s changed the way I count success.
If you feel like you’re not making a positive difference in the world, watch this video then read more below. You might feel differently…
Our Own Siberia
Whenever I talk about this painting, I almost always talk about it in connection with depression and suicide prevention. Because, in a symbolic way, all of us will serve time in Siberia. All of us will labor in the wilderness of the world, wondering if our lives matter.
Perhaps right now you wonder: Does my life matter? Does anyone care about me? Do I have something to live for?
In my mind, the story of Dostoevsky proves—beyond a shadow of a doubt—that you have something to live for.
Dostoevsky was a man who lost everything. And yet, he held on. He believed that better days were ahead. And because of that—because of hope—he gained everything and made the world a better place.
The Difference You Will Make
Unlike the woman in Dostoevsky’s story, I cannot offer you a book with Russian roubles. But I can offer you these words:
Your life has a purpose. Your life will make a positive difference. You have something to live for.
I freely admit that I don’t know what your purpose is. Yet, I do know that if you keep moving forward you’ll find out exactly what your purpose is. That’s part of the thrill of the journey. As Dostoevsky himself once said:
“The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.”
Fyodor Dostoevsky
So, hope on. Future generations are looking up to you and the positive difference you will make. Look to the light and keep moving forward in faith.