I think that the Great Depression and World War II are remarkable times in history. They’re remarkable because they prove that the very worst things can happen and yet, there’s still hope. That hope, however, is dependent upon our ability to see a world beyond our own—to see a world beyond ourselves. The Arrogant Prince Over one…
Author: Seth Adam Smith
How to Find Gold
I was born in Anchorage, Alaska and I love the history and symbolism of that northern land. In the nineteenth century, many prospectors came to Alaska to find gold and riches. Few of those people found any gold. But I firmly believe that we have the power to find gold in any situation. I know this because…
Is The Future Hopeless?
The world feels darker these days, doesn’t it? Every day brings a new headline that is seemingly worse than the day before: Politics, disease, war, pollution, terrorism, hacking, natural disasters, school shootings, social upheaval, and a general feeling of fear, rebellion, or outright hatred. The world, it seems, is drifting into darkness. And it makes the best of us wonder, is the…
We Become What We Worship
We become what we worship. That is to say, we emulate—or become like—the people (and things) we most admire. To understand this concept, we have to understand the origins of the word worship. The word worship comes from the Old English worðscip or wurðscip —or worthship—meaning “condition of being worthy, dignity, glory, distinction, honor, renown.” What Does It Mean to Worship? To worship something…
Metanoia | A Change of Heart
I’m currently working on a novel that has caused me to think a lot about repentance. A little while ago, I was researching repentance and I stumbled upon the word metanoia. The word metanoia means “a transformative change of heart” or a spiritual conversion. The word conversion, itself, means “to turn altogether,” or to change…
How Losing Your Self-Esteem Is a Good Thing
The burden you carry is partly because in our culture we view ourselves as separate individuals. So we think a lot about how we’re doing—how we feel about ourselves. You don’t need to do that. Let go of that. Because, in fact, we are not separate individuals but interconnected with each other.
Forget About Feelings, Real Love Is A Deliberate Choice
When all the butterflies have fluttered away and your wedding day becomes a distant memory, you will discover that you’ve married someone who is just as imperfect as you…
The Eyes Are Useless When The Mind Is Blind
Not long ago, I shared this quote on my Facebook fanpage: “The eyes are useless when the mind is blind.” My friend Nate, an incredibly brilliant medical researcher, wrote this comment: “The human eye only sees a very small amount of light in the Light/EMR spectrum. Much, much less than even 1%. These include Gamma…